Congratulations on making the decision to do an internship!!
Of course, you want to make sure that you don't squander any opportunity to learn about your chosen field. Gaining exposure to different aspects of any career is invaluable in determining if that is the pathway for you!
Remember, there is always a possibility to parlay an internship into a full-time job. You need to make an impression they will remember. Put your best foot forward to make sure that impression is a good one!
Here are 5 tips to help!
Be Professional
Whether your internship is in person or remote, be professional!
A global tech company made all new hires watch a video reminding them to brush their teeth, brush their hair, take a shower, put on deodorant, and not go to work in pajamas. It may seem obvious, but there were complaints about unkemptness at the office.
If you will be working onsite, practice proper hygiene and meet the dress code requirements. If you will be remote, ensure that you look your best for video calls. Your employers are executives, not guardians; they should not be the ones to remind you to look your best! Remember, you are trying to impress them!
Be Punctual
This is HUGE! In all things, aim to be early, strive to be on time, but never be late!
Punctuality makes a massive impression on employers; they will notice whether you are an intern upon whom they can count. This is a common metric in performance evaluations for any employer and will likely come up in your review.
Always make sure that you are on time (or better yet - early) to work and meetings.
This holds with deadlines as well, but be careful with this. You do not want to prioritize beating a deadline to the detriment of the quality of your work. You want to provide your best effort in quality AND efficiency. This is a delicate balance and a critical part of everyday work life. Learning how to navigate this now is yet another valuable tool in your toolbelt!
Branch Out
If you are able to clear a deadline early, that is going to free up some time on your calendar. Use that time to your advantage!
If you complete your deadlines early, find out what other opportunities may be available rather than sitting idly for someone else to procure your next assignment.
Ask your mentor if there are any projects that have stalled, haven't had the available resourcing to tackle, or any other "unwanted" projects that you may be able to spearhead. Your initiative will make a positive impression and will definitely be reflected in your reviews. Everyone appreciates a go-getter!
Think outside of the box
Explore new avenues!
The opportunities you seek out may not be the wheelhouse in which you are used to practicing. Embrace the learning curve. There may be times you feel less than capable to complete the objective at hand, but keep at it! This is exactly when you grow your knowledge, skills, and competencies.
You may discover an area you enjoy and may consider developing those skills further. Conversely, you may discover that the area is not your cup of tea. Make sure you stick with it until the end. Either way, you learn more about yourself and how to hone your education to meet your goals.
Don't be a smarty pants
Don't be afraid to ask questions. No one is expecting you to have all of the answers, but make sure you know what you are asking and why.
If you have a question, take it upon yourself to find potential answers to then discuss with your mentor. Practice self-sufficiency! Diligently research solutions and answers to questions before approaching your mentor. Be prepared to explain the avenues you have already pursued to gain more clear direction in moving forward.
Consider using a popular communication technique used in healthcare called Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) when asking for direction:
Situation - Identify what your challenge is and why you need help
Background - Provide any relevant context for your inquiry
Assessment - Determine the most appropriate course of action focusing on the main problem, avoiding any irrelevant information.
Recommendation - Based on your research, provide a precise yet descriptive explanations on exactly what you need and any possible solutions.